Package mulan.classifier.transformation

Class Summary
AdaBoostMH Implementation of the AdaBoost.MH algorithm based on Weka's AdaBoostM1.
CalibratedLabelRanking Class implementing the Calibrated Label Ranking (CLR) algorithm.
ClassifierChain Class implementing the Classifier Chain (CC) algorithm.
EnsembleOfClassifierChains Class implementing the Ensemble of Classifier Chains(ECC) algorithm.
EnsembleOfPrunedSets Class implementing the Ensemble of Pruned Sets algorithm(EPS) .
IncludeLabelsClassifier A multilabel classifier based on the include labels transformation.
LabelPowerset Class that implements a label powerset classifier
LabelsetPruning Common functionality class for the PPT and PS algorithms
MultiLabelStacking This class is an implementation of the (BR)^2 or Multi-Label stacking method.
PPT Class implementing the Pruned Problem Transformation algorithm (PPT) .
PrunedSets Class implementing the Pruned Sets algorithm (PS).

Enum Summary
PPT.Strategy strategies for processing infrequent labelsets
PrunedSets.Strategy strategies for processing infrequent labelsets