Package mulan.evaluation.measure

Interface Summary
MacroAverageMeasure Interface for macro average measures
Measure Interface for a measure, used to evaluate the performance of a multi-label learner on when performing multi-label learning task.

Class Summary
AveragePrecision Implementation of the average precision measure.
Coverage Implementation of the coverage measure.
ErrorSetSize Measure based on the ErrorSetSize ranking loss function
ExampleBasedAccuracy Implementation of the example-based accuracy measure.
ExampleBasedBipartitionMeasureBase Base class for example-based bipartition measures
ExampleBasedFMeasure Implementation of the example-based F measure.
ExampleBasedPrecision Implementation of the example-based precision measure.
ExampleBasedRecall Implementation of the example-based recall measure.
ExampleBasedSpecificity Implementation of the example-based recall measure.
GeometricMeanAverageInterpolatedPrecision Implementation of GMAiP (Geometric Mean Average Interpolated Precision)
GeometricMeanAveragePrecision Implementation of GMAP (Geometric Mean Average Precision)
HammingLoss Implementation of the Hamming loss function.
HierarchicalLoss Implementation of the Hierarchical loss measure.
InformationRetrievalMeasures Class for computing various information retrieval measures.
IsError Measure based on the IsError ranking loss function
LabelBasedAUC Implementation of the label-based macro precision measure.
LabelBasedBipartitionMeasureBase Base class for label-based bipartition measures
LabelBasedFMeasure Base implementation of the label-based macro/micro f-measures.
LabelBasedPrecision Base implementation of the label-based macro/micro precision measures.
LabelBasedRecall Common class for the micro/macro label-based recall measures.
LabelBasedSpecificity Common class for the micro/macro label-based recall measures.
MacroAUC Implementation of the macro-averaged AUC measure.
MacroFMeasure Implementation of the macro-averaged f measure.
MacroPrecision Implementation of the macro-averaged precision measure.
MacroRecall Implementation of the macro-averaged recall measure.
MacroSpecificity Implementation of the macro-averaged recall measure.
MeanAverageInterpolatedPrecision Implementation of MAiP (Mean Average Interpolated Precision)
MeanAveragePrecision Implementation of MAP (Mean Average Precision)
MicroAUC Implementation of the micro-averaged AUC measure.
MicroFMeasure Implementation of the micro-averaged precision measure.
MicroPrecision Implementation of the micro-averaged precision measure.
MicroRecall Implementation of the micro-averaged recall measure.
MicroSpecificity Implementation of the micro-averaged recall measure.
OneError Measure based on the one error loss function
RankingLoss Implementation of the ranking loss measure.
SubsetAccuracy Implementation of the subset accuracy measure.