Package mulan.classifier.meta.thresholding

Class Summary
ExampleBasedFMeasureOptimizer This class takes the marginal probabilities estimated for each label by a multi-label learner and transforms them into a bipartition which is approximately optimal for example-based FMeasure.
Meta Base class for instance-based prediction of a bipartition from the labels' scores
MetaLabeler Class implementing the MetaLabeler algorithm.
MLPTO Class that implements the Multi Label Probabilistic Threshold Optimizer (MLTPTO).
OneThreshold Class that estimates a single threshold for all labels and examples.
RCut Classs that implements RCut(Rank-based cut).
SCut Class that implements the SCut method (Score-based local optimization).
ThresholdPrediction Class that learns to predict a different threshold per exampleFor more information, see

Elisseeff, Andre, Weston, Jason: A kernel method for multi-labelled classification.